Film critique and academia oftentimes produce fascinating video essays. From an investigation of slow motion to how makeup has been used to age actors to even a parody of video essays themselves, these clips have offered an insightful look into the art of filmmaking — as well as some hysterical laughs for the lack thereof. But when one looks at greats like Stanley Kubrick and Andrei Tarkovsky, it’s bound to be a beautiful tribute, and Vimeo user Vugar Efendi has done just that in a comparison of the two giants’ styles.
The two directors, as Efendi claims, “have defined and pioneered the cinematic language.” Lingering through Kubrick classics such as “2001: A Space Odyssey,” “The Shining” and “Full Metal Jackets” alongside Tarkovsky greats such as “Solaris,” “Andrei Rublev” and “The Mirror,” the video shows clear similarities in how both captured suspense and atmosphere, injected symbolism and themes into their shots and elevated cinema above simple entertainment.
Check out some of the most iconic shots in the video essay below!
KUBRICK / TARKOVSKY from Vugar Efendi on Vimeo.
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